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A Health Affairs Forum - Choosing Wisely: Opportunities and Challenges in Curbing Medical Overuse

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WASHINGTON DC, USA -- HEALTHCARE UPDATE NEWS SERVICE™ -- OCTOBER 15, 2017: You are invited to join Health Affairs on Tuesday, October 24, in Washington, DC, for an important event, "Choosing Wisely: Opportunities and Challenges in Curbing Medical Overuse."

"Choosing Wisely" is an initiative launched in 2012 by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation in partnership with Consumer Reports -- and which has received funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation -- to advance a national dialogue on avoiding wasteful or unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures. At the five-year mark of the initiative, Health Affairs will gather leaders of the effort, plus distinguished practitioners and researchers, to take a close look at what's been accomplished so far and to identify the challenges that remain. We will unveil two new Health Affairs papers on the topic at the event, and there will be additional announcements regarding the future of Choosing Wisely.

Presenters will include leaders from these organizations and practitioners, as well as authors of Health Affairs articles on the topic.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017
9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.


Capital Hilton Hotel
16th & K Streets NW
Washington, DC (Farragut North Metro)


  • Richard J. Baron, President and Chief Executive Officer, American Board of Internal Medicine and ABIM Foundation
  • Michael E. Chernew, Leonard D. Schaeffer Professor of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
  • Matt Handley, Senior Medical Director for Quality and Safety, Kaiser Permanente of Washington
  • Arthur S. Hong, Assistant Professor, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, on "Small Decline In Low-Value Back Imaging Associated With The ‘Choosing Wisely' Campaign, 2012-14" (Health Affairs, April 2017)
  • Eve Kerr, Louis Newburgh Research Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, and Director, VA Center for Clinical Management Research, VA Ann Arbor HSR&D Center of Innovation, on "Fulfilling the Promise of Choosing Wisely: The Next 5 Years" (Health Affairs, October 24, 2017 NEW!)
  • Alexander Mainor, Research Project Coordinator, Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, Dartmouth Medical School, on "A Long and Winding Road: Knowledge of Choosing Wisely and Challenges of De-implementation" (Health Affairs, October 24, 2017 NEW!)
  • John N. Mafi, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, on "Low-Cost, High-Volume Health Services Contribute the Most to Unnecessary Health Spending" (Health Affairs, October 2017NEW!)
  • Susan Mende, Senior Program Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • Jessica Rich, Vice President, Consumer Policy and Mobilization, Consumer Reports
  • Neel Shah, Founder & Executive Director, Costs of Care, on "The Reformation of Medical Education Toward Choosing Wisely"
  • Kellie Slate Vitcavage, Program Director, Consumer Engagement, Maine Quality Counts
  • Eric Wei, Interim Chief Quality Officer, Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center
  • Daniel B. Wolfson, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, ABIM Foundation

Health Affairs is grateful to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for its generous support of the event.


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