Press Release: Register for National Value-Based Payment & Pay for Performance Summit XII by Friday 1/13 for Early Bird
- A Hybrid Conference and Internet Event
- March 8 - 10, 2017
- The Leading Forum on Pay for Performance, Transparency and Value-Driven Healthcare
- Onsite at the Grand Hyatt San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
- Online in Your Own Office or Home Live via the Internet with 24/7 Access for Six Months
Phone: 800-503-7382
Website: |
- SAVE UP TO $700 -
Register by Friday, January 13, 2017 and save up to $700.
Click here to register.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA USA -- PAYMENT/DELIVERY SYSTEM REFORM UPDATE NEWS SERVICE -- JANUARY 3, 2017: The Twelfth National Value-Based Payment and Pay for Performance Summit,, will be held March 8 - 10, 2017 at the Grand Hyatt San Francisco in San Francisco, CA. The Summit will be offered both onsite and live and archived for 6 months over the Internet.



Joseph F. Damore, FACHE
Vice President, Population Health Management, Premier Inc, Washington, DC |

Sandra R. Hernández, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer, California Health Care Foundation, Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, Former CEO, The San Francisco Foundation, Oakland, CA |

David Lansky, PhD
President and Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Business Group on Health (PBGH), Former Founding President, Foundation for Accountability (FACCT), San Francisco, CA

Peter V. Lee, JD
Executive Director, Covered California, Former Director of Delivery System Reform, Office of Health Reform, The White House, Former Chief Executive Officer, PBGH, San Francisco, CA |

Arnold Milstein, MPH, MD
Clinical Excellence Research Center Director and Professor of Medicine, Stanford University Center for Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences; Chief Medical Officer, Pacific Business Group on Health; Former National Health Care Thought Leader, William Mercer, San Francisco, CA |

Ian Morrison, PhD
Healthcare Futurist, Author, Healthcare in the New Millennium: Vision, Values and Leadership, and The Second Curve: Managing the Velocity of Change, Menlo Park, CA

Peggy O'Kane
President, National Committee for Quality Assurance, Washington, DC |

Stephen M. Shortell, PhD, MBA, MPH
Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor of Health Policy and Management, Dean Emeritus, School of Public Health, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
- From Obamacare to Trumpcare: Implications for P for P, Value-based Payment and MACRA
- The Criteria and Standards Underlying P for P and Value-based Payment
- Findings of the California Regional Health Care Cost & Quality Atlas
- Addressing Regional and Product Line Performance Variation to Enhance Quality and Cost-Efficiency
- Collaborative Solutions to Challenges In Payment and Delivery Reform
- Physician Organization Value-Based Payment Innovation: The Implications of MACRA
- Why Purchasers will Have to Drive Value-based Payment
- Federal Initiatives in Value-Based Payments
- Stanford Study of Clinical Teams with High National Quality Ranking and Low Total Cost of Care
- Best Practices in Hospital and Health Systems Value-Based Payment Innovation
- Building Clinical Ties between Hospitals and Physicians
- The Future of Pay for Performance and Value-based Payment
- Benchmarking Commercial Total Cost of Care and Resource Use Across 5 States
- 10 Value-based Pitfalls: How Plans can Avoid Them and Profit with MD Engagement
- Lessons Learned from Over Two Decades in the Healthcare Business
- Improving Care of Advanced Illness and End-of-Life Care
- Performance Management in ACOs in the US and Germany
- MACRA: How to Develop and Qualify as an Advanced Payment Model (APM)
- Navigating Value-Based Purchasing
- Lessons from Higher Performing Networks
- Slowing the Progression of Chronic Disease
- Population-Based Approaches to Behavioral Determinants of Outcomes and Costs
- Educating Health System Governing Boards about Value-based Payments
- CAPG Compendium of Alternative Payment Models
- Innovative Payment Reform for Rural Hospitals
- Creating Value with Providers Across Commercial, Government Programs and Retail
- Daily Patient-Generated Data: Reduce Risk and Improve Outcomes
- Pay for Performance and Value-based Payments 101: A Primer

Jeffrey W. Bailet, MD
Executive Vice President, Aurora Health Care; President, Aurora Health Medical Group; Chair-elect, American Medical Group Association; Chair, Physician-Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee, Milwaukee, WI |

Ruth Benton, MBA
Chief Executive Officer, New West Physicians, Former Vice President, Swedish Medical Center, Golden, CO |

Leah Binder, MA, MGA
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Leapfrog Group, Former Vice President, Franklin Community Health Network, Former Senior Policy Advisor, NYC Mayor's Office (Rudolph W. Giuliani), Washington, DC

Mary Bittner, DNP, MPA, RN, CENP
Vice President of Clinical Development, Caravan Health, Sacramento, CA |

Richard L. Brown, MD, MPH
Family Physician, Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI |

Mylia Christensen
Executive Director, Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation, Chair, NRHI Board of Directors, Former Director, Center for Evidence-Based Policy, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR

Susan Corneliuson, MHS
Senior Manager, GE Healthcare Camden Group, Former Executive Director of Outpatient Services, MemorialCare, Miller Children’s Hospital, San Francisco, CA |

Dr. Anas Daghestani
President and Chief Executive Officer, Austin Regional Clinic, Austin, TX |

Ana English, MBA
Chief Executive Officer, Center for Improving Value in Health Care, Former Vice President, American Medical Association, Colorado Springs, CO

Karen Wolk Feinstein, PhD
President and Chief Executive Officer, Jewish Healthcare Foundation, Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative and Health Careers Futures, Pittsburgh, PA |

Joe Gifford, MD
Senior Vice President, Provider Markets, Lumeris, Former Chief Executive, Accountable Care Organization, Vice President, Population Health, Providence Health & Services, Former Chief Medical Officer, Blue Shield of Washington, Seattle, WA |

Lee Huskins, Jr, MBA
President and Chief Administrative Officer, John Muir Physician Network, Walnut Creek, CA

Gary Greensweig, DO
Vice President and Chief Physician Executive, for Physician Integration, Dignity Health, Former Chief Medical Officer, Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, San Francisco, CA |

Tim Hernandez, MD
ACO Medical Director, Community Health Network ACO, Clinical Practice Director, Entira Family Clinics, Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, Department of Family Practice, University of Minnesota, West Saint Paul, MN |

Edward B. Herzig, MD, FACP, MACR
Board, American College of Rheumatology, Chair, Managing Board, Mercy Health Select ACO and Clinically Integrated Network, Mercy Health Cincinnati Ohio, Cincinnati, OH

Emma Hoo
Director, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA |

Laura P. Jacobs, MPH
President, GE Healthcare Camden Group; Former Director, Business Development, St. Vincent Medical Center, El Segundo, CA |

Charles D. Kennedy, MD, MBA
Chief Population Health Officer, Healthagen LLC, Former Head of Aetna Aligned Care Solutions, Aetna Inc., Former Chief Executive Officer of Accountable Care Solutions, Aetna Inc., Simi Valley, CA

Donna Kinzer
Executive Director, Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission, Santa Fe, NM |

Walter Kopp, MSHA
President, Medical Management Services, Inc., Former Chief Operating Officer, California Pacific Medical Center Physicians Foundation, Former Chief Operating Officer, Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation, Former Interim Executive Director, Alta Bates Medical Group, San Francisco, CA |

Mark Krivopal, MD, MBA
Vice President, GE Healthcare Camden Group, Former Vice President and Medical Director of Clinical Integration and Hospitalist Medicine, Steward Health Care, Boston, MA

Sandra Lewis, MD
Founder, Northwest Cardiovascular Institute, Immediate Past Chair, Women in Cardiology Section, American College of Cardiology, Portland, OR |

Mara McDermott, JD
Vice President of Federal Affairs, CAPG, the Voice of Accountable Physician Groups, Washington, DC |

Alexander Pimperl, PhD
Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice, School of Public Health, University of California Berkeley, Former Head, Controlling and Health Data Analytics Department, OptiMedis AG, Berkeley, CA

Louise Probst, MBA
Executive Director, Midwest Health Initiative and St. Louis Area Business Health Coalition, St. Louis, MO |

Phillip Rodgers, MD, FAAHPM
Associate Professor, Family Medicine and Internal Medicine, Director, Adult Palliative Medicine Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI |

Scott Sarran, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Government Programs, Health Care Service Corp, Former Vice President and Medical Director, University of Chicago Health System, Chicago, IL

Andrew Snyder, MD FAAP
Executive Vice President, Chief Clinical Integration Officer and President, Mount Sinai Health Partners, Former Chief Medical Officer & Senior Vice President, Brown & Toland Physicians, IPA, New York, NY |

Greger Vigen, FSA, MBA
Independent Health Actuary, Founding Chair, Payment Reform Subgroup, Society of Actuaries, Granada Hills, CA |

Mark Wagar, MHA
President, Heritage Medical Systems, an affiliate of the Heritage Provider Network (HPN), Operating Partner, Enhanced Equity Fund, LP, Former Senior Vice President, WellPoint, Inc., Former Chief Executive Officer, Empire BlueCross BlueShield, Northridge, CA

Adam J. Weinstein, MD
Vice President, Medical Affairs, School of Medicine, University of Maryland, Board of Directors, Renal Physicians Association, Easton, MD |

Randy Williams, MD
Chief Executive Officer, Pharos Innovations, Des Plaines, IL

Fiona Wilson, MD
Senior Vice President and Chief of Clinical Transformation, Brown & Toland Physicians, San Francisco, CA

Bill Wulf, MD
Chief Executive Officer, Central Ohio Primary Care, Westerville, OH
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Donald H. Crane, JD
President and Chief Executive Officer, CAPG, Los Angeles, CA

Harold D. Miller
President and CEO, Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform, Pittsburgh, PA

Elizabeth Mitchell
President and Chief Executive Officer, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, Vice Chair, Physician-Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee, Portland, ME

Jeffrey A. Rideout, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA



$195 First Year Subscription (save $100). Don't Delay.
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Accounting Professionals: Approved for up to 16.0 NASBA CPE credits.
Physicians: Approval for 15.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.
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The Pay for Performance Summit is now offering a limited number of partial and full Tuition Scholarships to qualifying representatives of local, state and federal government, consumer advocate organizations, safety net providers, academics, students and health services research organizations
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The Leading Forum on Pay for Performance, Transparency
and Value-Driven Healthcare
March 8 - 10, 2017
Grand Hyatt San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
OR |
In your own office or home live via the Internet with 24/7 access for six months
Simply register, travel to the conference city and attend in person.
Pros: subject matter immersion; professional networking opportunities; faculty interaction
