NEW PORT RICHEY, FL USA -- HEALTHCARE UPDATE NEWS SERVICE -- AUGUST 8, 2023: Attend ABQAURP's 2023 Annual Health Care Quality & Patient Safety Conference to develop strategies to integrate technology, disruptive delivery models, and service excellence into practice to address the challenges of social determinants of health, improve the population health of communities served, and expand opportunities and patient outcomes for providers.
Connect with your peers and industry-leading expert presenters as you discuss current issues, gain new perspectives, and learn valuable first-hand experiences that you can immediately implement at your workplace.
At the conclusion of the conference, participants should be able to:
- Discover trends in federal quality and safety programs in hospitals and health systems.
- Examine current and future innovations in population health.
- Recognize compliance and safety risks and develop strategies to improve and protect your practice.
- Identify the characteristics and impact of Geriatric Emergency Departments (GEDs) on hospitals.
- Analyze value-based initiatives such as team-based care, clinical decision support, and patient centered care and their impact on quality and return on investment.
- Develop a strategy to optimize workforce engagement to amplify performance.
- Describe Web3 and Metaverse technology to overcome SDoH barriers and meet the needs of underserved patients.
- Discuss updates and changes to hospital and health centers' regulations and reimbursement models.

Continuing Medical Education
The American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians (ABQAURP) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians (ABQAURP) designates this live activity for a maximum of 8 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
ABQAURP is an approved provider of continuing education for nurses. This activity is designated for 8 nursing contact hours through the Florida Board of Nursing, Provider # 50-94.
The AAFP has reviewed Redesigning Care Through Service Excellence, Technology, and Disruptors and deemed it acceptable for up to 8.00 Live AAFP Elective credits. Term of Approval is from 10/20/2023 to 10/20/2023. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Application for CCMC credit has been filed with the Commission for Case Manager Certification to provide continuing education credit to Certified Case Managers (CCMs). Determination of credit is pending.
Sheraton Sand Key Resort
Group Rate: $189.00 per night, plus applicable taxes, single/double occupancy.
Reservations must be made no later than September 18, 2023, to receive this special rate. Rooms in this block are available at a limited quantity and on a first-come, first-served basis.
CLICK HERE to reserve your room, or call (727) 595-1611. Be sure to identify yourself as an ABQAURP Conference Attendee to receive the ABQAURP room rate and benefits.

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