WASHINGTON DC, USA -- PAYMENT/DELIVERY SYSTEM REFORM UPDATE NEWS SERVICE™ -- AUGUST 14, 2023: The Hospital at Home Users Group Virtual Annual Meeting 2023: Built to Last strives to feature HaH leaders from around the country–and that means you! There are so many ways that you can be involved and showcase your exciting work on Hospital at Home.
There's still time to submit your poster abstracts! The deadline been extended to Tuesday, August 15th at 5 pm ET.
In addition to highlighting cutting-edge research, Built to Last will recognize the best of Hospital at Home–the people, the programs, and their work in the communities they serve. Don't forget to submit award nominations and photos/videos.
By submitting proposals for caregiver innovations, you may be selected to present your idea as part of the meeting's caregiving session.
Keep reading for further details. We are excited to get our community involved in developing a robust program and would like to thank those who have already sent in their submissions. If you have any questions, please contact Gabi Schiller.
The Users Group invites you to submit poster abstracts in one (or more) of the following categories:
- Research
- Clinical Vignettes
- Single Practice Innovation
Please note that abstracts submitted to the AAHCM Annual Meeting or the World Hospital at Home Congress can also be submitted to the HaH Users Group Annual Meeting.
The deadline to submit is now Tuesday, August 15th at 5 pm ET.

We are also calling for nominations for Clinician of the Year and Program of the Year Awards!
The Hospital at Home Clinician of the Year Award recognizes a clinician who has made outstanding contributions to the delivery of quality Hospital at Home care.
The Hospital at Home Program of the Year Award recognizes an exceptional Hospital at Home program that has demonstrated innovative approaches and sustained excellence in the delivery of hospital at home care.
For more details, visit this page. Nominations are due September 1st.

For our Photo and Video Contest, we are calling for submissions that capture the power of the Hospital at Home model.
Please submit your photos/videos by September 1st.

For the caregiving session at our fifth Annual Meeting, the Users Group is asking our community to submit one or both of the following:
- Proposals for innovative policies and practices related to caregivers.
These may include initiatives on a range of caregiving-related topics, for example in education or the use of technology. We welcome ideas that are currently in practice and those that are still under development.
All that is required for submission is a title and brief description of the innovation. Three proposals will be chosen to be presented at our Annual Meeting as part of the caregiving panel.
The deadline to submit proposals is September 1st.

- Nominations for caregivers to participate as panelists.
We are looking for individuals who have cared for a loved one during a Hospital at Home stay and would be willing to share their experience and respond to the caregiver innovations that are presented.
Please email the caregiver's name and email to Gabi Schiller by September 1st.

Don't forget to register for the Annual Meeting!
We hope you will join us for our virtual Annual Meeting: Built to Last, on October 12th! This is Part One of the Hospital at Home-Palooza.
Part Two of the Hospital at Home-Palooza is the in-person American Academy of Home Care Medicine's (AAHCM) Annual Meeting, which will take place on October 13-14 in Seattle, WA.
CME credits will be available for both events.
To register for the Users Group Annual Meeting and/or the AAHCM Meeting, click here and select "Register" in the QuickLinks navigation to begin the process. Visit the Users Group website for detailed registration instructions. Consider joining AAHCM to access significant discounts to both the Users Group Annual Meeting and the AAHCM meeting, as well.

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