WASHINGTON DC USA -- HEALTHCARE UPDATE NEWS SERVICE™ -- SEPTEMBER 20, 2023: In 2016, in partnership with the Physicians Foundation, Health Affairs launched an article series on the "Practice of Medicine," focusing on important health policy issues affecting physicians. The effort has produced a comprehensive collection of policy research in the field.
A recurring topic in the Practice of Medicine series, and in health policy circles generally, is the question of how integration, consolidation, and ownership changes of physician practices are affecting the nation's health care system, the people who work in it, and the patients it serves. Researchers and policymakers have begun to look at what the data tell us, from the impact of private equity on the workforce to what hospital-physician integration means for patient outcomes and physician compensation.
On Wednesday, September 27, please join Health Affairs Editor-in-Chief Alan Weil for an online forum, "How The Ownership and Structure of Health Care Entities Affect Clinicians & Patients," focusing on recent work featured in the Practice of Medicine series and broader issues confronting medical professionals.

Erin Fuse Brown, JD, MPH
Catherine C. Henson Professor of Law, and Director, Center for Law, Health & Society, Georgia State University Law |

Joseph Dov Bruch, PhD
Assistant Professor of Public Health Sciences, University of Chicago; Author, "Workforce Composition In Private Equity-Acquired Versus Non-Private Equity-Acquired Physician Practices" (January 2023) |

Brady Post, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Northeastern University; Author, "Hospital-Physician Integration is Associated with Greater Use of Cardiac Catheterization and Angioplasty" (May 2023)

Gary Price, MBA
President and CEO, Physicians Foundation |

Christopher Whaley
Associate Professor of Health Services, Policy, and Practice, Brown University School of Public Health; Author, "Physician Compensation in Physician-Owned and Hospital-Owned Practices" (December 2021) |

Alan Weil, JD, MPP
Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs
Health Affairs thanks the Physicians Foundation for its support of the Practice of Medicine series and this event.
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Eastern
Place: Online details will be shared with registrants 24 hours in advance of the event
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