Virtual 4th National Medicare Advantage Summit Features Medicare Advantage Whistleblower Litigation, Risk Adjustment Enforcement & RADV Updates
- Virtual Online Video Live and Archived
- Part of the Heritage Value-based Care Conference Series
- The Leading Forum for Providers and Payors on Successful Medicare Advantage Strategies
- Media Partners: Harvard Health Policy Review, Health Affairs and Inside Health Policy
- April 11-14, 2023
- www.MedicareAdvantageSummit.com
Phone: (800) 503-0078
Email: registration@hcconferences.com
Website: www.medicareadvantagesummit.com |
Click Here to Register by February 10, 2023 for Early Bird Registration Discount.
Medicare Advantage Whistleblower Litigation |
Addenda, One-Way Chart Reviews and Other Trends in Upcoding Lawsuits |
Risk Adjustment and the Potential Impact of the Final RADV Rule |
Responding to RADV, OIG Audits, the Overpayment Rule and Other Tools for Enforcing Risk Adjustment Requirements

Mary A. Inman, JD
Whistleblower Counsel; Partner, Constantine Cannon LLP; Lead Whistleblower Counsel, Multiple Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment Fraud Litigation, San Francisco, CA and London, UK |

Jesse A. Witten, JD
Partner, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP; Former Deputy Associate Attorney General, & Chief, Civil Fraud Section, Office of Consumer Litigation, US DOJ, Washington, DC |

Sean Creighton, MSc
Managing Director, Avalere; Former Deputy Group Director, Payment Policy and Financial Management Group, CMS, Washington, DC |

John Kelly, JD
Partner & Chair, Healthcare, Barnes & Thornburg; Former Assistant Chief, Health Care Fraud, Criminal Division, US DOJ, Washington, DC
WASHINGTON DC USA -- HEALTHCARE UPDATE NEWS SERVICE -- JANUARY 11, 2023: The Virtual Fourth National Medicare Advantage Summit will take place on April 11-14, 2023 as a purely virtual event. Upon consultation with the Summit planning committee, the decision was made to offer the Summit as a virtual event again in 2023 because the majority of health care providers are in significant financial distress as they emerge from the pandemic and are facing staffing shortages and expense increases and supply chain challenges.

Michael Chernew, PhD
Chair, MedPAC; Leonard D. Schaeffer Professor of Health Care Policy, Department of Health Care Policy, and Director, Healthcare Markets and Regulation Lab, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA |

David M. Coriell, JD
Assistant US Attorney, Western District of New York, US Department of Justice, Buffalo, NY |

Susan Dentzer
President and Chief Executive Officer, America's Physician Groups; Former Editor in Chief, Health Affairs; Former Health Correspondent, PBS NewsHour; Washington, DC |

John Gorman
Chair, Nightingale Partners LLC; Founder and Former Executive Chairman, Gorman Health Group; Former Assistant to the Director, Office of Managed Care, HCFA, Washington, DC |

Mary A. Inman, JD
Whistleblower Counsel; Partner, Constantine Cannon LLP; Lead Whistleblower Counsel, Multiple Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment Fraud Litigation, San Francisco, CA and London, UK |

Sachin H. Jain, MD, MBA
President and CEO, SCAN Group & Health Plan; Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine; Co-Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder, Healthcare: the Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation, Los Angeles, CA

Christopher Jennings
Founder and President, Jennings Policy Strategies; Senior Fellow, Bipartisan Policy Center; Former Co-chair, Biden Health Committee; Former Senior Advisor for Health Policy (Obama), Washington, DC |

Carolyn Kapustij, MPH
Senior Advisor for Managed Care, Office of Inspector General, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington DC |

Ellen Lukens, MPH
Deputy Director, Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Washington, DC

Mark McClellan, MD, PhD
Director, Robert J Margolis Center for Health Policy and Margolis Professor of Business, Medicine and Health Policy, Duke University; Co-chair, Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network; Former CMS Administrator and FDA Commissioner, Washington, DC |

Richard Merkin, MD
Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer, Heritage Group; Board, California Institute of Technology and and USC Keck School of Medicine; Founder Richard Merkin Foundation for Stem Cell Research, Broad Institute, Harvard and MIT, Los Angeles, CA |

Nwando Olayiwola, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Chief Health Equity Officer and Senior Vice President, Humana; Adjunct Professor, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH

Tom Priselac
President and Chief Executive Officer, Cedars-Sinai Health System; Past Chair, American Hospital Association and Association of American Medical Colleges, Los Angeles, CA |

Dean Rosen, MA, JD
Partner, Mehlman Castagnetti Rosen & Thomas; Former Advisor, Senate Majority Leader William Frist (R-TN); Former Majority Counsel, House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee; Former VP Policy and GC, Health Insurance Association of America, Washington, DC

Click Here to Register by February 10, 2023 for Early Bird Registration Discount.





Compliance Certification Board Continuing Education Units (CCB CEUs)
The Summit is pending approval by the Compliance Certification Board (CCB)® to offer live CCB CEUs based on a 50-minute hour.
Physicians (ACCME) Credit
The Summit is pending approval to offer MA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
Certificates of Attendance
Attendees may download and self-complete a certificate of attendance which will be posted on the Summit virtual video broadcast platform to file with appropriate certifying bodies which accept such.
The Medicare Advantage Summit is now offering a limited number of partial and full Tuition Scholarships to qualifying representatives of local, state and federal government, consumer advocate organizations, safety net providers, academics, students, representatives of health services research organizations, and those who have lost their jobs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click here for more information.


Steve Arbaugh
Principal and Chief Executive Officer, ATTAC Consulting Group (ACG), Ann Arbor, MI |

Mandy Asgeirsson, MPH
Director, Berkeley Research Group, Washington DC |

Tricia A. Beckmann, JD
Director, Faegre Drinker Consulting; Former Special Assistant, CCIIO, CMS, Washington, DC |

Justin Bever
President, RB Insurance Group, LLC; Vice President, Medicare Solutions, Association Members Benefits Advisors; Founder, Cosurance Consultants, LLC, Carbondale, CO |

Brynn Bowman, MPA
Chief Executive Officer, Center to Advance Palliative Care; Assistant Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY

Marcy Buckner, JD
Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, National Association of Health Underwriters, Washington, DC |

Brittany M. Chambers, MPH, MCHES
Director, Health Equity and Special Initiatives, Center to Advance Palliative Care, New York, NY |

Patrick H. Conway, MD, MSc
CEO, Care Solutions at Optum; Former Director, CMMI, Baltimore, MD |

Sean Creighton, MSc
Managing Director, Avalere; Former Deputy Group Director, Payment Policy and Financial Management Group, CMS, Washington, DC |

Tyler Overstreet Cromer, MPAc
Principal and Head, Medicare Innovation Practice, ATI Advisory, Alexandria, VA

Kimberly A. Curseen, MD, FAAHPM
Director of Outpatient Supportive Care, Emory Palliative Care Center, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA |

George Dippel
President, Deft Research; Managing Partner, Integrity Marketing Group, Pleasant Prairie, WI |

Clive Fields, MD
Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer, VillageMD; President, Village Medical, Houston, TX |

Helaine Fingold, JD
Partner, Epstein Becker & Green, PC; Former Acting Director, Rates & Benefits Branch, CCIIO, CMS; Former GC, MedPAC, Baltimore, MD |

Amy Flaster, MD, MBA
Chief Medical Officer, ConcertoCare; Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Rick Frommeyer
Vice President of Group Medicare and Head, Group Retiree Solutions, Aetna, St Paul, MN |

Jeff Goldsmith
President, Health Futures, Charlottesville, VA |

John Gorman
Chair, Nightingale Partners LLC; Former Assistant to the Director, Office of Managed Care, HCFA, Washington, DC |

Carlos O. Hernandez, MD, FACP
President, WellMed Medical Group, San Antonio, TX |

Emma Hoo
Director of Value-Based Purchasing, Purchaser Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA

Gretchen Jacobson, PhD
Vice President, Medicare, The Commonwealth Fund, New York, NY |

Nicole Jobe, JD, LLM
Partner, Thompson Coburn LLP, St Louis, MO |

Shreya Kangove, MD, MS
Executive Director, Penn Center for Community Health Workers, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA |

John Kelly, JD
Partner & Chair, Healthcare, Barnes & Thornburg; Former Assistant Chief, Health Care Fraud, Criminal Division, US DOJ, Washington, DC |

Lauren Flynn Kelly
Managing Editor, AIS Health, an MMIT company; Editor, Radar on Medicare Advantage, Washington, DC

Ali Khan, MD, MPP, FACP
Chief Medical Officer, Value-Based Care Strategy, Oak Street Health, Chicago, IL |

Daphne Klausner
Plan President, Honest Medical Group, Nashville, TN |

Faith Leonard, MPH
Program Associate, Advancing Medicare, The Commonwealth Fund, New York, NY |

Mark Mantei, MHSA
Chief Executive Officer, Vancouver Clinic; Former Chief Operating Officer, Everett Clinic, Vancouver, WA |

Tim Murray, FSA, MAAA
Principal, Wakely Consulting Group; Former AVP, Pricing & Forecasting, InnovaCare Health, New York, NY

Raul F. Montalvo Orsini, MD
EVP, Medical Affairs, PMC Medicare Choice, Inc.; SVP, Medical Affairs, MMM Healthcare, Inc., Ponce, Puerto Rico |

David B. Muhlestein, PhD, JD
Chief Research Officer, Leavitt Partners, LLC; Visiting Policy Fellow, Margolis Center for Health Policy, Duke University, Washington, DC |

Philip Nelson, FSA, CERA, MAAA
Senior Actuarial Manager, Milliman, Milwaukee, WI |

Cheryl Phillips, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer, SNP Alliance, Washington, DC |

Frank Pyle
State Fraud Investigator, State of Delaware; Vice Chair, Improper Marketing of Health Insurance Working Group, NAIC, Wilmington, DE

Douglas Rodrigues, ASA, MAAA
Associate Actuary, Milliman, Brookfield, WI |

Allison Silvers, MBA
Chief Health Care Transformation Officer, Center to Advance Palliative Care, New York, NY |

Hunter Sinclair, MBA
Vice President, Solution Strategy for Government Markets, Teladoc Health, Memphis, TN |

Melissa Newton Smith
EVP, Consulting & Professional Services, HealthMine, Inc., Brentwood, TN |

Nathan Smith, PhD
Principal Researcher, CareJourney, Kaysville, UT

Abi Sundaramoorthy, MD, MBA
Chief Medical Officer, Wellinks; Associate Professor of Medicine, University of South Florida College of Nursing, Wesley Chapel, FL |

Martin Swanson, JD
Deputy Director and General Counsel, Nebraska Department of Insurance; Chair, Improper Marketing of Health Insurance Working Group, NAIC, Lincoln, NE |

Teresa Wilson, MA
Medicare ACO Specialist, CMS Innovation Center; Former Associate Regional Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Washington, DC

Christopher P. Wing
Chief Executive Officer, Alpine Physician Partners, Former President & CEO, SCAN Health Plan, Los Angeles, CA |

Jesse A. Witten, JD
Partner, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP; Former Deputy Associate Attorney General, & Chief, Civil Fraud Section, Office of Consumer Litigation, US DOJ, Washington, DC |

Melissa A. Wong, JD
Partner, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Holland & Knight LLP, Boston, MA |
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