WASHINGTON, DC USA -- HEALTHCARE UPDATE NEWS SERVICE -- JUNE 6, 2023: The recently proposed CMS V28 risk adjustment model will bring substantial changes to HCC codes, significantly influencing how Medicare Advantage scores are calculated and reimbursed. To successfully transition from V24 to V28, it's vital for medical groups and other value-based organizations to be prepared.
We invite you to join an exclusive webinar with our expert panel. They will provide actionable insights on accurately capturing patients' health status and navigating the complex regulatory changes for long-term success.
This session is designed for value-based leaders within ACOs, MSOs, physician groups, and health plans. Secure your spot today!
Our experts will:
- provide insights into the operational and financial impact
- equip you with successful strategies to manage the HCC V28 changes
- conduct a live demo of how AI can improve coding accuracy and avoid potential pitfalls

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