WASHINGTON, DC USA -- HEALTHCARE UPDATE NEWS SERVICE -- OCTOBER 3, 2023: The 2023 PCORI Annual Meeting is this week! Join thousands of patients, caregivers, researchers and the broader healthcare community Oct. 4-5 to hear the latest findings from PCORI-funded research.
As an attendee, you will share in rich discussions to advance patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research and learn about PCORI's funded research portfolio.
Register today for this free event and explore 20+ hours of incredible content including keynotes, plenary sessions and stimulating breakout sessions.
Not able to attend every session? Not a problem — registered participants will have free access to all sessions, making it available to you on any day, at any time and from anywhere.
Explore a few of the sessions scheduled for the 2023 PCORI Annual Meeting.

Oct. 5 | 10:30 am (ET)
The Heart of the Matter: Creating Pathways to Optimal Cardiovascular Health for Women Across the Lifespan
Heart disease and stroke cause one in three deaths among women each year in the United States, yet women are still underrepresented in clinical research focused on heart disease and stroke. Listen in as a group of expert panelists discusses how pregnancy, menopause and gaps in care may increase women's risk for cardiovascular disease, as well as how PCORI- funded researchers are testing innovative patient- and community-centered care models through patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research.

Oct. 5 | 12:45 pm (ET)
Innovative Strategies for Implementation
Sharing the results of PCORI-funded research is one of the most critical parts of our mandate. This informative plenary session will feature two Dissemination and Implementation Program awardees who will share different ways in which they promoted the uptake of evidence from their PCORI- funded comparative clinical effectiveness research into practice.
Explore a full list of speakers and the event agenda on the 2023 PCORI Annual Meeting website.
Why pass up the opportunity to attend this event for free? Register today!

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