WASHINGTON, DC USA -- HEALTHCARE UPDATE NEWS SERVICE -- OCTOBER 23, 2023: Join speakers from VAL Health, the leading healthcare behavioral economics consulting firm, as they discuss how behavioral science can be used to improve population health and achieve behavior change at scale. They will provide an overview of the science and share case studies with insights on behavior change programs from recent clients.

Karen Horgan
Co-Founder, CEO VAL Health
Karen is a thought leader in the application of behavioral science for health and has spearheaded the design of hundreds of behavior change solutions for a wide variety of healthcare stakeholders. M.B.A. Harvard Business School, B.A. with honors from the University of Pennsylvania, and B.S. with honors from the Wharton School. |

Emily Boym
Principal, VAL Health
Emily is an experienced strategy consultant and leads projects across diverse health industry stakeholders. From project kickoff through completion, she works with clients to identify the true challenges and develop actionable solutions grounded in proven science. MPH from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and B.S. Emory University.
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