Call for Abstracts for the Blockchain and Emerging Technologies in Health Track at the Virtual ConV2X 2021
  • Blockchain Health Track Date: November 11, 2021
  • Symposium Date: November 9-11, 2021
  • Click here for more information on the Virtual ConV2X 2021
Contact: Tory Cenaj
Phone: 203-243-3063
Please submit an abstract of 500 words or less about your work to the abstract selection committee via email to with a subject line: Abstract for Blockchain and Emerging Technologies in Health Track in ConV2X, 2021. Please include a brief bio and headshot to be included in the program materials.

For further inquiries, please contact: Anjum Khurshid, MD PhD FAMIA, Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Austin at

STAMFORD, CT USA -- HEALTHCARE UPDATE NEWS SERVICE™ -- MAY 24, 2021: Submission of abstracts are open for the Blockchain and Emerging Technologies in Health Track at ConV2X 2021.

Wall Street Journal says "Blockchain may offer solutions to fighting Covid-19" and New York Times states "98.,Industries, looking for efficiency turn to Blockchain." Is this hype or is there research and evidence to back these claims of the impact of Blockchain (and emerging technologies) in health? If you are a researcher who has asked these questions and are interested in sharing your insights with an international audience, ConV2X is the best avenue for these cutting-edge topics. This year the conference has added a scientific and research track to cover these important issues.

The annual ConV2X is a leading international health tech symposium driving real world evidence, strategy, research, operations and trends to create a blueprint for a new digital health era.

The 3-day event will have a scientific program of academic/research presentations in addition to business and industry talks. The research track will focus on exploring and sharing developments in blockchain and emerging technologies in health and clinical medicine. Abstracts may be based on original research, conceptual frameworks, proposed applications, position papers, case studies, and real-world implementation. Selection will be based on a peer-review process. Faculty, students, and industry researchers are encouraged to submit abstracts to present their ideas before an informed and knowledgeable audience of industry leaders, policy makers, funders, and researchers.

  • Patient health records
  • Health systems' interoperability
  • Patient Identity management
  • Data security, privacy, anonymity
  • Data provenance
  • Decentralized trust management
  • Population Health Use Cases
  • Medical payments and billing
  • Digital tokens and incentives
  • Fraud detection and prevention
  • Pharmaceutical supply chain
  • Clinical trials and clinical research
  • Genomic and Imaging data
  • COVID-19 pandemic applications
  • Human and social aspects
  • Legal and policy challenges
  • Healthcare operations
  • Interdisciplinary studies
  • Policy implications
  • Vaccination Passports
  • Big Data Management in Health

Deadline for abstract submission: July 15, 2021
Notification of acceptance: August 21, 2021


All accepted abstracts will be considered for a special supplement of the Blockchain in Healthcare Today, the leading open access blockchain journal. Selected abstracts will be invited to submit complete manuscripts for review and publication. A separate category of student-led abstracts will also be considered for undergraduate and graduate students.


Please submit an abstract of 500 words or less about your work to the abstract selection committee via email to with a subject line: Abstract for Blockchain and Emerging Technologies in Health Track in ConV2X, 2021. Please include a brief bio and headshot to be included in the program materials.

For further inquiries, please contact:
Anjum Khurshid, MD PhD FAMIA, Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Austin at


For changes or additions, please email your request to:

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